The Perspectiva Pocket Profile reaches nearly 100% of the US population and ties together 650+ million source records underlying 15 Lifeway Clusters and 66 Lifeway Segment Types to produce the highest-def worldview portrait of each neighborhood in your community. It provides you with the foundation for developing missional strategies to join God at work.
Since 2000, belief systems among the US population have shifted extensively. This seismic shift has accelerated the need for a missiological re-engineering of 21st century American mission.
Perspectiva is the only technology in the missional space dedicated to that missiological re-engineering. It accurately and effectively helps missional and ministry leaders across all areas of Christian nonprofits to engage their communities. From identifying and building the right audiences....to equipping and mobilizing missional leaders to join God at work....to delivering appropriate missional campaigns across the most effective media and ministry channels...to identifying where God is at work among audiences and how to participate in the mission of God, Perspectiva Pocket Profiles are your go-to missional resource.
- You'll know more about the lifeways in your community and where that population is in your community.
- You'll know more about the lifedesign mindsets that drive engagement approaches with your community lifeways.
- You'll know more about who you can reach, what they think about lifeview beliefs and values, and how to design relevant messages.
- You'll know more about how to mobilize your leaders to develop appropriate strategies to reach them with a gospel-centered witness.

Perspectiva Pocket Profiles as Life Story
The data analysis undergirding Perspectiva explores the beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors, and demographic characteristics of individuals in the geographical search area. It encompasses a multitude of subjective dimensions that form the pattern of one's existence. This approach acknowledges the uniqueness of each person's perspective that is shaped by events, interactions, and circumstances which are also influenced by emotions, cultural background, and personal history. It emphasizes how perceptions profoundly shape one's understanding of the world. These life stories also extend beyond individuality, encompassing interpersonal and social aspects, emphasizing how beliefs, values, and group norms of a particular time and place influence a person's life. The result is four very different types of data to identify, map, and visualize related to the 15 cluster groups and 66 segment types across geographies: lifeways, lifedesigns, lifeviews, and lifeworlds.
“Practical and cultural
aspects of how
people live”
Lifeway refers to the manner in which individuals and communities choose to live their lives, including their values, beliefs, customs, and practices. It encompasses the practical, cultural, and social aspects of daily life. Lifeways can vary widely among different cultures, societies, and belief systems and may be embodied within religious and spiritual practices.
“Beliefs, knowledge,
transcendence, social
insights shape mindsets”
LifeDesigns encompass a range of belief spectrum orientations, approaches to knowledge acquisition, transcendence philosophies, insights from social interactions, and diverse engagement styles. This intricate interplay shapes individual and collective life philosophies, weaving together personal, communal, intellectual, and experiential dimensions into a holistic framework for understanding and navigating existence.
“Overarching beliefs and
perspectives on life's
fundamental questions”
Lifeview, often referred to as worldview, is an individual's or a group's comprehensive perspective on fundamental questions about reality, meaning, and existence. It encompasses beliefs about the nature of the world, the purpose of life, morality, and the human condition. A lifeview shapes how people perceive and interpret the world around them and influences their decisions and actions.
“Interpersonal aspects
of shared life
Lifeworld encapsulates an individual's daily reality, including interactions, relationships, and experiences that shape their subjective perception within a spatial context. It underscores the immediate, personal, and interrelated aspects of human existence, emphasizing the significance of the everyday world in shaping individual realities. The contours of lifeworld are defined by the unique configuration of belief systems found in it.