What's Your Community's Beliefscope?

What Ideologies Are Embraced in Your Community?

Yes, you have Christianity-affiliated people in your community, but what else is there?  What New Religious Movements and Non-Christian Religions are represented in your community? What Non-Religious Movements are capturing the attention of people in your community?

What's Your Mission?

Who In Your Community Are You Reaching?

Are you reaching those with an Assembler Lifedesign Mindset who have a group-centric religious orientation? Or, the Individualist Lifedesign Mindset that embraces personal divine connections and subjective truths?  What about those with the Rationalist Lifedesign Mindset who prioritizes critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning?  Are you reaching those with a Holist Lifedesign Mindset that values interconnectedness, intuition, and direct spiritual encounters?