Four Practices of the American Animism Lifeway:
I01 Animism
A belief system that ascribes spiritual essence or consciousness to natural elements, animals, and objects, honoring their significance in life.
Animism in the United States represents a diverse and often unstructured collection of spiritual beliefs and practices that honor the spiritual essence or consciousness attributed to natural elements, animals, plants, and inanimate objects. While not a unified or institutionalized religion, animism is deeply ingrained in the cultural diversity of the United States, with roots in the indigenous traditions of Native American tribes.
Interconnectedness of the Living and Non-living
Indigenous animistic beliefs have been a fundamental part of the spiritual heritage of Native American communities for millennia. These beliefs recognize the interconnectedness of all living and non-living entities and emphasize the need to maintain harmonious relationships with the natural world. Practices such as animal totemism and shamanic rituals are essential elements of Native American animism.
Reconnecting with Nature
In addition to indigenous animism, modern expressions of this belief system have emerged in the United States, influenced by a variety of cultural, spiritual, and environmental factors. Some individuals and groups are drawn to animism as a way to reconnect with nature, promote ecological awareness, and develop a deeper sense of spiritual connection in a rapidly changing world.
Nature-based Rituals and Practices
Contemporary animistic practices in the United States encompass a wide range of activities. These may include nature-based rituals, ceremonies to honor the spirits of specific places, the creation of sacred altars or shrines, and the cultivation of relationships with spirit guides or guardian animals. Animistic practitioners often seek to tap into the wisdom and energies of the natural world to promote healing, personal growth, and ecological stewardship.
Exploration of Animistic Principles and Practices
While animism in the United States is often decentralized and personal, some communities and organizations facilitate gatherings, workshops, and educational events to explore animistic principles and practices. These gatherings provide opportunities for individuals interested in animism to share their experiences, learn from one another, and deepen their connection to the spiritual dimensions of the natural world.
In summary, animism in the United States represents a diverse and decentralized belief system that honors the spiritual essence of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Rooted in indigenous traditions and influenced by contemporary spiritual and environmental concerns, animism continues to thrive as a way for individuals to forge meaningful connections with the natural world and explore the spiritual dimensions of life.

1 | Asheville-Hendersonville, NC |
2 | Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point, NC |
3 | Grand Junction, CO |
4 | Knoxville, TN |
5 | Roanoke, VA |
6 | Raleigh-Durham, NC |
7 | Philadelphia, PA-Wilmington, DE-Trenton, NJ |
8 | Portland, OR |
9 | Los Angeles, CA |
10 | San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA |