Holistic Influence of the Adventism Lifeway:
B03 Adventism
Restores Sabbath observance and imminent return of Christ based on biblical prophecy.
Adventism is a Christian religious movement with a distinct focus on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and unique practices and beliefs. Emerging in the early 19th century in the United States, it has evolved into several denominations, the most prominent being the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is strongly influenced by Ellen G. White, whose writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church.

Ellen White Influence
The Prophetess Ellen White claimed to have received over 2,000 visions and dreams from God which she verbally described and published for public consumption in a prolific series of writings. Her Conflict of the Ages series of writings showcases the hand of God in Biblical history and church history. This cosmic conflict, referred to by Seventh-day Adventist theologians as the "Great Controversy theme", became foundational to the development of Seventh-day Adventist theology. Her book on successful Christian living, Steps to Christ, has been published in more than 140 languages.
Theological Distinctives
Central to Adventism is the strong emphasis on the belief in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Adventists interpret biblical prophecies, especially those found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, as foretelling events leading to the Second Coming. This anticipation of Christ's return shapes their religious identity. Another defining feature of Adventism is the observance of the Sabbath on Saturday, unlike most other Christian denominations that observe it on Sunday. Adventists regard the seventh-day Sabbath as a biblical commandment and a sign of God's covenant with His people. This practice holds significant theological and practical importance within the Adventist community.
Holistic Health
Adventists also prioritize a health-conscious lifestyle. Many adhere to vegetarianism or a plant-based diet, abstain from alcohol and tobacco, and emphasize regular exercise and rest. They believe in the holistic well-being of individuals, seeing the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Educational Development
Education plays a significant role in Adventism, with a global network of schools, colleges, and universities. They value intellectual and spiritual development and operate numerous educational institutions worldwide.
Social Service & Legal Advocacy
Adventists actively engage in humanitarian and social service activities, including disaster relief, healthcare provision, and community development projects. These efforts are seen as a practical expression of their faith's teachings, reflecting their commitment to helping those in need. Furthermore, Adventists have a history of advocating for religious freedom and the separation of church and state. They have been involved in legal and legislative efforts to protect individuals' rights to worship according to their conscience.
Global Influence
The Seventh-day Adventist Church, the largest Adventist denomination, has millions of members globally and operates healthcare institutions, publishing houses, and extensive missionary work. Other smaller Adventist groups also exist, each with its variations in beliefs and practices, often stemming from different interpretations of prophetic writings and doctrinal points.
In summary, Adventism is a unique Christian movement with a distinctive focus on Christ's Second Coming, Saturday Sabbath observance, commitment to health and education, active involvement in humanitarian endeavors, and advocacy for religious liberty. It represents a distinct interpretation of Christianity with a rich history and global presence.

1 | Los Angeles, CA |
2 | New York, NY |
3 | Washington, DC |
4 | Atlanta, GA |
5 | Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL |
6 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX |
7 | Orlando, FL |
8 | San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA |
9 | Chicago, IL |
10 | Houston, TX |