Overview of the Jehovah's Witness Lifeway:
B01 Jehovah's Witness
Restoration of true Christianity based on the teachings of the Bible and the imminent establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth.
Jehovah's Witnesses are a distinctive Christian denomination known for their unique beliefs, practices, and organizational structure. They consider themselves to be true Christians who follow the teachings of the Bible closely and prioritize evangelism.

Central Tenets
A central doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is their belief in the exclusive use of the divine name, Jehovah, for God. They are known for their extensive door-to-door evangelism efforts, distributing literature that emphasizes their interpretation of biblical teachings. Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible and reject many traditional Christian doctrines, including the Trinity and the immortality of the soul.
Unique Practices
Jehovah's Witnesses also do not celebrate holidays or birthdays, believing that such observances have pagan origins. They refrain from participating in military service and salute the flag, viewing these acts as conflicting with their allegiance to God. Additionally, they abstain from blood transfusions based on their interpretation of biblical passages.
Literature Distribution
The Watchtower Society serves as the central administrative and publishing organization for Jehovah's Witnesses. It oversees the production of literature, including magazines and books, which are distributed worldwide. Their most well-known publication is "The Watchtower," a magazine that explores various aspects of their beliefs and doctrines.
Organizational Structure
Jehovah's Witnesses have a hierarchical structure with congregations being led by a body of elders. They hold regular meetings at Kingdom Halls, which serve as places of worship and religious instruction. Larger gatherings, known as conventions, are held periodically and attract Jehovah's Witnesses from various congregations.
Non-Political Involvement
One distinctive feature of Jehovah's Witnesses is their refusal of military service and political involvement. They adhere to strict neutrality in worldly affairs, often refraining from voting in elections or participating in political activities.
Controversies Over Issues
Jehovah's Witnesses have faced criticism and controversy over issues such as their stance on blood transfusions, disfellowshipping (excommunication) practices, and their handling of child abuse allegations within the organization. These controversies have led to legal battles and public scrutiny.
In summary, Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian denomination known for their unique beliefs and practices, emphasizing the use of the name Jehovah, door-to-door evangelism, and strict adherence to their interpretation of the Bible. The Watchtower Society serves as their central organizational hub, overseeing the publication of literature and administrative functions. While their beliefs and practices have generated both interest and controversy, Jehovah's Witnesses continue to be a distinct religious group with a global presence.

1 | Los Angeles, CA |
2 | New York, NY |
3 | Houston, TX |
4 | Chicago, IL |
5 | Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL |
6 | San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA |
7 | Atlanta, GA |
8 | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX |
9 | Phoenix, AZ |
10 | Philadelphia, PA-Wilmington, DE-Trenton, NJ |